Laundry: my arch-nemesis

Ok, so I've always hated laundry with a passion. It's tiresome and never ending. Someone in my house is always changing their clothes.

The girls play fashion show or dress up on a regular basis. I don't mind it at all  because I love to watch them interact and pretend but all I ever ask is for them to return the clean clothes back to their closet/dresser. That rarely happens and I find myself washing and rewashing the same outfits over and over.

My husband contributes too; 1) he showers multiple times a day and typically uses a new towel every time, 2) always wears undershirts under his clothes, and 3) he is also guilty of throwing clothes barely worn or just tried on, into the dirty clothes basket.

And don't get me started on socks and I mean multiple kinds but never two matching. Where in the world do they go?! We joke at our house that they are disposable but it's sickeningly true!

On the rare opportunity that I might "catch up" on laundry- someone's bed linens need washed and then I'm back to square one.

Right now, I am proud to say that I'm sitting in my living room at this very moment enjoying the sound of the dryer! That's right, the last load is in. Granted, there are technically only minutes left in the day and tomorrow it will start over BUT this small victory is mine. :)


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