Outnumbered: A Guest Post by Tyler Phillips

When Elizabeth was pregnant with Lynlie, folks always felt the need to ask, “Do you guys know what you’re having?”  When we’d respond with “a girl”, the reaction was always the same….”ANOTHER GIRL!?!?”  This was usually followed by some playful remark referencing my guns, chasing boys away with a stick, and losing what little hair I have left.
To be perfectly honest, in those moments, I was nervous.  I have been “Dad” to Harleigh and Abby for a vast majority of their lives.  They are two beautiful, blonde headed girls who stole my heart from day one.  The key word in that last sentence is “two”.  I was now going to be “Dad” to THREE beautiful girls.  I have to be their provider and protector.  I also, at times, have to be their hairdresser, fashion consultant, therapist, referee, nurse, and the list goes on.  Was I ready to add a third girl into the mix?  Could I keep up?  Will this one like sports?  
When Lynlie was born, all of my worries and fears faded away.  Since she arrived, I’ve come to realize that although the ponytail I put them in may not be as tight, or straight, or as perfect as the one Mom puts up, these girls don’t care.  What they care about is that I’m there, there willing to do whatever they need me to do.  Since Lynlie came along, we’re still painting fingernails, writing in diaries, and riding pink bikes.  For those of you who think having only girls makes you less fulfilled as a father, let me tell you, nothing could be further from the truth. 
The fact is, I am a Dad of daughters.  I live with four women who all have their own very unique personality and sense of self and I love every bit of it.  One of my favorite things is when one of the girls shows an interest in something that I enjoy.  Whether it’s Abby tearing it up with me at Paoli Peaks or Harleigh smashing drives at the Paoli Country Club, during these moments I can’t think of anywhere or anyone else I’d rather be.  I look forward to seeing Lynlie grow into the little girl that she is destined to become and I just hope a little piece of me shines through in her.   I love them unconditionally and simply cannot imagine my life without them in it.  Although I am heavily outnumbered, I wouldn’t have it any other way.
BTW…stop asking if we’re going to try for that elusive Boy!  The answer is, we don’t know.  What I do know is, right now I am perfectly happy caring and providing for the children we have been blessed with.  If it is in the cards for us to have another child, I know gender won’t be real high on my priority list. 




  1. I love this, Tyler. Having three girls and coming from a family of seven boys/one girl, Ryan was in the same boat as you when our girls came along. We got the same comments, and I'll bet he had some of the same early concerns that you did.


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