Day 8: 5 things I'm terrible at

1. Starting things I don't finish; My spare bedroom is full of projects I've started and walked away from. The room is lined with totes and baskets of scrapbooking items, yarn, and material. My latest abandoned project is the cutest pair of baby shoes I made for Lynlie. I couldn't figure out how to close the stitches so... 

2. Cooking/Baking; Geeze, I have good intentions but it seems like things just don't work out when I'm in the kitchen. Baking throws me for a loop every time but I think it's partly because I don't follow directions very well and I'm always trying to take a shortcut.

3. Remembering dates; I'm the mom who forgets about fieldtrips and (other) kids' birthday parties. If you've invited me and I don't show, there's a really good chance that I've just forgotten.  It's not personal, I'd forget my own birthday if someone didn't remind me.

4. Confrontation; If there was ever a time to confront someone, I'd let them steamroll me. I just don't know how to stand up for myself. I can mouth with the best of them to myself, but when it comes to expressing myself outloud, I struggle. Must. Find. Backbone.

5. Shopping; I can spend HOURS loading and unloading shopping carts only to come out empty handed. I succumb to my indecisiveness every time. This frustrates my husband immensely. Sorry, honey.


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