In the Eyes of a Police Wife..
I'm not sure what counts as 'normal' but I'm pretty sure my version is slightly skewed....
Going out to eat, I know to always leave the seat facing the door open for him. He must be ready at all times to spring into action- or just have a good visual of the exits. I also have a mental list of places we can't eat due to work conflicts. "______ was a trustee in the jail. He's got shit that won't scrub off and he works in the kitchen." Yummy.
We've ducked into different aisles in the grocery store to avoid seeing people he's arrested before. We were even unable to attend a church near our home because he had several negative interactions with a lady in the congregation who thought it was OK to speak him after service.
Lord knows the girls don't stand a chance. They've been told on more than one occasion that Daddy plans to check up on their friends and boyfriends. This is a typical dad thing but his profession makes this almost too easy.
Hey, you see that guy? Yes. He's got a warrant. His cell phone comes out and he's calling it in as we're following some poor idiot around Wal-Mart.
Once Tyler started getting calls in the middle of the night from a woman he was working a case for. I'm not talking about a sweet little old lady. I'm talking about a crack-head with my husband's phone number.
We were out with a group of friends one night in an adjacent county to where he works when a patron at a bar recognized him and alerted the bartender. From that point forward, the bartender refused to sell anyone any liquor because a cop was present. -- BTW- sometimes he's just a guy out with his friends.
On more than one occasion, Tyler has thrashed about in bed while sleeping and yelled at suspects. I've got to be honest, when it happens, it's pretty frightening. I'm awoken by his arms and legs flailing around and sometimes I'm dangerously close to him. So far I've been lucky enough not to take an accidental elbow to the face. He usually shouts orders laced with profanities, "Get on the fucking ground!" Sometimes I'm able to shut him down by shaking him a little or by calling his name. Most mornings when he wakes up, he has no memory of his dreams or his actions the night before. It's kind of funny to tell him how he flipped and flopped and shouted things.
Going out to eat, I know to always leave the seat facing the door open for him. He must be ready at all times to spring into action- or just have a good visual of the exits. I also have a mental list of places we can't eat due to work conflicts. "______ was a trustee in the jail. He's got shit that won't scrub off and he works in the kitchen." Yummy.
We've ducked into different aisles in the grocery store to avoid seeing people he's arrested before. We were even unable to attend a church near our home because he had several negative interactions with a lady in the congregation who thought it was OK to speak him after service.
Lord knows the girls don't stand a chance. They've been told on more than one occasion that Daddy plans to check up on their friends and boyfriends. This is a typical dad thing but his profession makes this almost too easy.

Once Tyler started getting calls in the middle of the night from a woman he was working a case for. I'm not talking about a sweet little old lady. I'm talking about a crack-head with my husband's phone number.
We were out with a group of friends one night in an adjacent county to where he works when a patron at a bar recognized him and alerted the bartender. From that point forward, the bartender refused to sell anyone any liquor because a cop was present. -- BTW- sometimes he's just a guy out with his friends.
On more than one occasion, Tyler has thrashed about in bed while sleeping and yelled at suspects. I've got to be honest, when it happens, it's pretty frightening. I'm awoken by his arms and legs flailing around and sometimes I'm dangerously close to him. So far I've been lucky enough not to take an accidental elbow to the face. He usually shouts orders laced with profanities, "Get on the fucking ground!" Sometimes I'm able to shut him down by shaking him a little or by calling his name. Most mornings when he wakes up, he has no memory of his dreams or his actions the night before. It's kind of funny to tell him how he flipped and flopped and shouted things.
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